A National Voice
Australian Graduate Women Inc. (AGW) was formerly known as the Australian Federation of University Women Inc. AGW, the national voice of graduate women, works through initiatives in Education for advancement, wellbeing of women and girls. AGW links women across Australia in friendship, cooperation, understanding with each other - and networks of women graduates worldwide. AGW was first formally registered in September 1922.
AGW Constitution
Incorporated associations have a constitution, drafted with by its early members, and occasionally modified over time as necessary. AGW Inc. is incorporated in New South Wales and therefore complies with the requirements of the NSW Office of Fair Trading. Committee members and the public officer are primarily responsible for ensuring an incorporated association complies with its statutory and reporting obligations.
A copy of the latest Constitution approved in April 2019 is available below.
Read the constitution
Financial Assistance
Australian Graduate Women places the highest priority on providing financial assistance for women to undertake university studies. To this end, we offer research Fellowships for women who are:
- Australian citizens or permanent residents;
- enrolled at any Australian university in a PhD program; and
- have completed at least one year (or its equivalent) of their PhD studies.

Education is a key issue for AGW, with particular emphasis on tertiary education and on the education of girls and women. AGW is concerned, through its Council and our Standing Committee on Education, to formulate educational policy. And to act as an advocate for these policies and on educational issues generally. We pursue the latter aim through advocacy in its own name to State and Federal Governments. And also through co-operative advocacy with other non-government organisations and participation in consultative processes.

International Impact
AGW works through Graduate Women International (GWI) headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland – formerly International Federation of University Women (IFUW). We work with women graduates across all cultures, all fields of study, all professions and all generations. AGW works to empower women and girls through lifelong education for leadership, decision-making and peace. GWI advocates for women’s rights, equality and empowerment and for access to quality secondary and tertiary education and training up to the highest levels. AGW is a national affiliate of GWI.
AGW has a national voice on women’s affairs both independently and through its membership of economic Security4Women and Equality Rights Alliance.
These are two of six National Women’s Alliances funded for three years from 2017 to actively engage with the Australian Government, through the Office for Women on policy issues as part of a better more informed and representative dialogue between women and government. Each of the Alliances has a specific focus: economic security, equality rights, violence against women, immigrant and refugee women, rural, and Indigenous women.